To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Microsoft Azure, you can follow these steps:

To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Microsoft Azure, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an Azure Account: If you don’t have an Azure account, sign up for one at Microsoft Azure.
  2. Log into the Azure Portal: Use your Azure account credentials to log into the Azure Portal.
  3. Create a Resource Group: In the Azure Portal, navigate to “Resource groups” and create a new resource group to organize your resources.
  4. Create a Virtual Machine:a. In the Azure Portal, click on “Create a resource.”b. Search for “Red Hat Enterprise Linux” in the marketplace and select the official RHEL image.c. Click the “Create” button.d. Configure the VM settings, including the following:
    • Basics:
      • Virtual machine name.
      • User name and authentication method (SSH key or password).
      • Subscription.
      • Resource group (use the one you created earlier).
      • Location.
    • Disks:
      • OS disk type and size.
    • Networking:
      • Virtual network and subnet.
      • Public IP address (if needed).
      • Network security group (NSG) rules (open SSH or other necessary ports).
    • Management:
      • Boot diagnostics (optional).
      • Monitoring and Auto-shutdown settings.
    e. Review the configuration and click “Create” to provision the VM.
  5. Access Your Red Hat VM:
    • If you used a password, you can RDP into the Windows VM using the provided credentials.
    • If you used an SSH key, you can SSH into the Linux VM using the private key.
  6. Activate Your Red Hat Subscription:If you have a Red Hat subscription, you’ll need to activate it on the VM. Follow Red Hat’s official documentation on how to activate your subscription.
  7. Install Software and Configure:Once you have access to your Red Hat VM, you can install and configure software as needed. You can use the yum package manager for software installation and configuration.

Remember to secure your VM by applying updates, configuring firewalls, and following best practices for security.

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