How to use Azure Bastion with VNet Peering? (Using Azure Portal)

How to use Azure Bastion with VNet Peering? (Using Azure Portal)

Azure Bastion is a fully managed platform-as-a-service that allows you to connect to your Azure virtual machines using a web-based interface. It provides a secure way to connect to your virtual machines without exposing them to the public internet. VNet Peering is another Azure feature that allows you to connect two virtual networks together securely. In this article, we will explore how to use Azure Bastion with VNet Peering using the Azure Portal.

Step 1: Create two virtual networks

The first step is to create two virtual networks in the same region. Go to the Azure Portal and click on “Create a resource” button. Then, search for “Virtual Network” and click on “Create”. Follow the wizard to create the first virtual network. Repeat the process to create the second virtual network.

Step 2: Configure VNet Peering

Once you have created the two virtual networks, you need to configure VNet Peering between them. Go to the Azure Portal and navigate to the first virtual network. Then, click on “Peerings” and click on “Add”. Follow the wizard to create the VNet Peering connection. Repeat the process for the second virtual network.

Step 3: Configure Azure Bastion

Next, you need to configure Azure Bastion for each virtual network. Go to the Azure Portal and navigate to the first virtual network. Then, click on “Bastion” and click on “Add”. Follow the wizard to configure Azure Bastion. Repeat the process for the second virtual network.

Step 4: Connect to your virtual machine using Azure Bastion

Once you have configured Azure Bastion for each virtual network, you can connect to your virtual machine using the web-based interface provided by Azure Bastion. To do this, navigate to the Azure Bastion resource in the Azure Portal and click on “Connect”. Then, select the virtual machine you want to connect to and click on “Connect”. Azure Bastion will open a new tab in your web browser with the remote desktop session to your virtual machine.

Using Azure Bastion with VNet Peering allows you to securely connect to your virtual machines in different virtual networks without exposing them to the public internet. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can configure Azure Bastion and VNet Peering using the Azure Portal and connect to your virtual machines using the web-based interface provided by Azure Bastion

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