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Author: Izmir Sadigov

Azure Stack and Multi-Tenancy Feature

Post Views: 6,231 Azure Stack is the version of Microsoft Azure, which is a Public Cloud service, that you can run in your own data center and with your own hardware. Although it offers one-to-one features and user experience with Azure in many...

PowerShell üçün Azure Shell Modulu

Post Views: 4,005 Salam Blog! Bu yazıda Microsoft Azure Powershell Modulu haqqında danışacağam, daha ətraflı olaraq hər bir əmr haqqında məlumat verəcəyəm və Azure mühitinizi Microsoft Azure PowerShell Modulu ilə necə idarə edə biləcəyinizə dair...

Azure Databricks

Post Views: 6,990 Azure Databricks is a data analytics platform optimized for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform. Azure Databricks offers three environments for developing data intensive applications – Databricks SQL, Databricks Data...
