Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extionsions

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extionsions

Microsoft Azure is a popular cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to help organizations meet their computing needs. One of the key features of Azure is the ability to create virtual machines (VMs) on demand, which can be customized to suit specific requirements. Azure VMs can be extended using various extensions, which provide additional functionality and capabilities. In this article, we will explore Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extensions in detail.

What are Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extensions?

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extensions are a set of tools that can be used to enhance the functionality of Azure VMs. These extensions are designed to perform specific tasks, such as configuring monitoring tools, installing antivirus software, and managing backups. Azure VM extensions can be used to automate tasks, improve performance, and provide additional security to Azure VMs.

Run VM extensions

Azure VM extensions run on existing VMs, which is useful when you need to make configuration changes or recover connectivity on an already deployed VM. VM extensions can also be bundled with ARM template deployments. By using extensions with ARM templates, you can deploy and configure Azure VMs without post-deployment intervention.

You can use the following methods to run an extension against an existing VM.


Some of the following examples use "<placeholder>" parameter values in the commands. Before you run each command, make sure to replace any "<placeholder>" values with specific values for your configuration.


Several PowerShell commands exist for running individual extensions. To see a list, use the Get-Command command and filter on Extension:


Get-Command Set-Az*Extension* -Module Az.Compute

This command provides output similar to the following example:


CommandType     Name                                          Version    Source
-----------     ----                                          -------    ------
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMAccessExtension                       4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMADDomainExtension                     4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMAEMExtension                          4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMBackupExtension                       4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMBginfoExtension                       4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMChefExtension                         4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension                 4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension                  4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension               4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMDscExtension                          4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMExtension                             4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVMSqlServerExtension                    4.5.0      Az.Compute
Cmdlet          Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension             4.5.0      Az.Compute

The following example uses the Custom Script Extension to download a script from a GitHub repository onto the target virtual machine and then run the script.


Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension -ResourceGroupName "<myResourceGroup>" `
    -VMName "<myVM>" -Name "<myCustomScript>" `
    -FileUri "" `
    -Run "Create-File.ps1" -Location "<myVMregion>"

The following example uses the VMAccess extension to reset the administrative password of a Windows VM to a temporary password. After you run this code, you should reset the password at first sign-in.



Set-AzVMAccessExtension -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -VMName "myVM" -Name "myVMAccess" `
    -Location "myVMregion" -UserName $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Username `
    -Password $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -typeHandlerVersion "2.0"

You can use the Set-AzVMExtension command to start any VM extension.

Types of Azure Virtual Machine Extensions

Azure VM extensions are available in two types: Microsoft and Partner extensions. Microsoft extensions are developed and maintained by Microsoft, and they are supported by Microsoft customer support. Partner extensions are developed by third-party vendors and can be used to enhance the functionality of Azure VMs. Partner extensions are supported by the vendors who developed them.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extension Categories

Azure VM extensions are grouped into different categories based on their functionality. The following are the categories of Azure VM extensions:

  1. Antimalware
  2. Backup
  3. Custom Script Extension
  4. Desired State Configuration
  5. Diagnostics
  6. Docker Extension
  7. File Copy
  8. Networking
  9. SQL Server
  10. VM Access

Let’s take a closer look at some of these extensions:

Antimalware Extension

The Antimalware extension can be used to install and configure antimalware software on Azure VMs. This extension helps to protect VMs from malware and viruses by providing real-time protection and automatic scanning.

Backup Extension

The Backup extension can be used to automate the backup of Azure VMs. This extension can be used to configure backup policies, schedule backups, and perform backup and restore operations.

Custom Script Extension

The Custom Script extension can be used to run custom scripts on Azure VMs. This extension can be used to automate tasks, such as installing software, configuring services, and performing maintenance tasks.

Desired State Configuration Extension

The Desired State Configuration (DSC) extension can be used to configure and manage the state of Azure VMs. This extension uses declarative syntax to define the desired state of a VM, and it can be used to ensure that the VM is always in the desired state.

Diagnostics Extension

The Diagnostics extension can be used to configure diagnostic data collection on Azure VMs. This extension can be used to collect performance data, event logs, and other diagnostic information.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Extensions provide a powerful set of tools that can be used to enhance the functionality of Azure VMs. These extensions can be used to automate tasks, improve performance, and provide additional security to Azure VMs. By using Azure VM extensions, organizations can customize their Azure VMs to suit their specific needs and requirements.

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