Assigning Public and Private IP Addresses in Azure

Assigning Public and Private IP Addresses in Azure

In this article, we will examine IP addresses, one of the important resources for communication in Azure, in full detail. In Azure, IP addresses are separated as Public IP addresses and Private IP addresses, as in on-primese, and can be used statically and dynamically.

First, let’s refresh our memory with the basics, What are Public IP addresses and Private IP addresses?

Public IP Addresses: These are the IPs used when communication is needed for the Internet.

Private IP Addresses: Private IPs you use in your corporate network or Azure VNET.

Public IP addresses in Azure can be IPv4 or IPv6, and these IPs can also be used statically and dynamically. Available in Basic and Standard SKUs.


A Public IP address can be assigned to the locations listed in the table below and set statically or dynamically. Details of this are in the table. In addition, the Public IP address resource can be associated with virtual machine network interfaces, load balancers for the internet, VPN gateways, and application gateways.

Public IP addressIP address assignmentDynamicStatic
Virtual MachineNICYesYes
load balancerFront-end configurationYesYes
VPN GatewayGateway IP configurationYesYes*
Application GatewayFront-end configurationYesYes*

*Static IP addresses are only available on certain SKUs.

The private IP address resource can be associated with virtual machine network interfaces and application gateways.

Private IP addressIP address assignmentDynamicStatic
Virtual MachineNICYesYes
Application GatewayFront-end configurationYesYes
Application GatewayFront-end configurationYesYes

As a best practice, you may decide to allocate dynamically and statically assigned IP resources into different subnets. And IP Addresses are never managed from within a virtual machine.

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