What is Azure Traffic Manager? How to Manage App Services with Traffic Manager?

What is Azure Traffic Manager? How to Manage App Services with Traffic Manager?

Hi Blog,

Azure Traffic Manager is a global DNS-based traffic load balancing service that allows you to distribute traffic across multiple Azure endpoints such as web apps, virtual machines, and cloud services. This service helps to optimize performance and availability of your applications by routing traffic to the nearest available endpoint based on a set of configurable rules.

Traffic Manager provides three routing methods: priority, weight, and performance. Priority routing is used when you have a primary endpoint and a secondary endpoint that only receives traffic when the primary endpoint is unavailable. Weighted routing allows you to distribute traffic based on a weight assigned to each endpoint, while performance routing routes traffic to the endpoint with the lowest latency.

To manage app services with Traffic Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Azure Traffic Manager profile in the Azure portal. Select the routing method that best suits your needs.
  2. Create endpoints for each app service that you want to include in the traffic routing. Endpoints can be created for virtual machines, cloud services, and web apps.
  3. Configure health probes for each endpoint to monitor their availability. Health probes can be configured to check for specific HTTP responses or TCP connectivity.
  4. Associate each endpoint with the appropriate traffic routing method. For example, you can associate an endpoint with a priority rule to ensure that traffic is directed to that endpoint first.
  5. Test the traffic routing configuration by accessing the Azure Traffic Manager DNS name in a web browser. Verify that traffic is being routed to the correct endpoint based on the configured rules.

Azure Traffic Manager to manage app services, you can improve the availability and performance of your applications. With the ability to distribute traffic across multiple endpoints and to monitor their health, you can ensure that your users are always directed to the best endpoint for their needs.

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