Configuration of Azure File Share without any disconnect of the network drive in next login.

Configuration of Azure File Share without any disconnect of the network drive in next login.

We will explore how to configure Azure File Share without any disconnect of the network drive in the next login.

Step 1: Create an Azure File Share

The first step is to create an Azure File Share in your Azure account. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Azure portal.
  2. Click on the “Create a resource” button in the top left corner.
  3. Search for “Storage account” in the search bar and click on the option that appears.
  4. Fill in the necessary details like subscription, resource group, storage account name, and select the region.
  5. Under the “Data protection” section, select “Standard” under the “Performance” option.
  6. Under the “Advanced” section, select “File” under the “Account kind” option.
  7. Click on the “Review + create” button and then click on the “Create” button.

Step 2: Map the Azure File Share to a Network Drive

After creating the Azure File Share, the next step is to map it to a network drive. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer on your local device.
  2. Click on “This PC” on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the “Map network drive” button in the top ribbon.
  4. In the “Drive” field, select the drive letter you want to use for the network drive.
  5. In the “Folder” field, enter the URL of the Azure File Share in the following format: “\{storage-account-name}{file-share-name}”
  6. Check the box for “Reconnect at sign-in” and click on “Finish”.

Step 3: Install the Azure Storage Explorer

To avoid disconnection issues with the Azure File Share, it is recommended to install the Azure Storage Explorer on your local device. The Azure Storage Explorer is a desktop application that allows users to easily manage their Azure storage resources. To install the Azure Storage Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure Storage Explorer website and download the latest version of the software.
  2. Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the Azure Storage Explorer on your device.
  3. After installation, open the Azure Storage Explorer and sign in to your Azure account.

Step 4: Configure the Azure File Share

To configure the Azure File Share to avoid disconnection issues, follow these steps:

  1. In the Azure Storage Explorer, navigate to the Azure File Share you want to configure.
  2. Click on the “Access key” button in the top ribbon and copy the connection string.
  3. Open Notepad or any text editor and paste the connection string.
  4. Replace the “AccountKey” value in the connection string with the account key of your Azure storage account.
  5. Save the edited connection string file with the “.bat” extension.
  6. Open the “Task Scheduler” on your local device.
  7. Click on “Create Task” in the right-hand side panel.
  8. Give a name to the task and select the option “Run with highest privileges”.
  9. Click on the “Triggers” tab and select “At log on” in the “Begin the task” field.
  10. Click on the “Actions” tab and click on “New”.
  11. Select “Start a program” in the “Action” field and browse for the edited connection string
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